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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 1 November 2024

Dear Parish Friends

This weekend we remember in the church calendar All Saint's Day, which is actually today (Friday), but which, by tradition we celebrate on the following Sunday. It is a time when we are encouraged to share stories of the past, giving thanks for all who have inspired us as a worldwide church, a local community, or as individuals - all the Saints! But our readings set for the day tell of different stories, stories of the future from Isaiah's vision of the mountain of the Lord, where death is swallowed up for ever, to the new heaven and the new earth of the book of Revelation. And in all this we see the footprint of Jesus who brings life from death. These stories are just as important as those of the past as we remember Saints of all ages.

Our services on Sunday are as usual. 7am Holy Communion, and 9am Family Communion. The 9am service will also be streamed over Zoom, and there will be Children's Church. See the links below for a copy of the week's notice paper and order of service for 9am.

There will also be a special service of Evening Prayer on Sunday at 5pm in church. This will be a celebration of 'All Souls' at which we will have an opportunity to light candles in thanksgiving those who have died in the previous year (and longer ago), remembering the gifts that they shared with us. If you are coming and would like to help by doing a reading or running the PowerPoint, please let me know.


Rev'd Timothy



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