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Weekly Letter from St Luke's Ekibin - 16 September 2021

Dear fellow parishioners

This week we welcome Rev'd Owen Strong who will be celebrating at our 7am and 9am services. While we always welcome our children, there will be a break from Kid's Church for 2 weeks over the school holidays. The weekly 'taking faith home' leaflet is here.

What wonderful services we shared last weekend, with Rev'd Libbie celebrating at 7am and Rev'd Bill at 9am. Thank you for your message Libbie about how Jesus responded to human need wherever He found it and we need to do the same. We also had the joy of MESSY KID'S CHURCH with Tim & Kate, Sharon & David and many, many children. Tim and Kate produced a wonderful video message about the damage that our words can do - just like whipped cream can't go back in the can - but can be washed off with a hose!!!, The children enjoyed making and later eating ice cream and we also shared a sausage sizzle after the 9am service.

We will be celebrating the life of Gwen Williams at her funeral service tomorrow (Friday 17th September) at 10.30am at St Luke's, led by Rev'd Denis Galloway. The service won't be available on zoom at the request of Gwen's family. We all remember Gwen as an amazing, gentle and strong woman who inspired us with her quiet faithfulness and care for others. Please remember Gwen and her family in your prayers.

Evening prayer will continue at 6pm from Tuesday to Friday on Zoom. Instructions on how to connect are available on the link below. Our 9am service will also be available by Zoom however we will not be recording services during Rev'd Timothy's leave. The 9am service sheet is available in the attached link below.

I remind you of upcoming events - the parish study groups recommencing on 28th and 30th September; a regular opportunity for Contemplative Prayer on 2nd the 4th Tuesdays commencing on 28th September; a parish Car Boot Sale on Saturday 2nd October; and a Quiet Morning with Rev'd Sarah Plowman at St Francis College on Saturday 9th October; Parish Picnic on Sunday 17th October (St Luke's Day); Wine and Pizza afternoon for young families on Sunday 17th October from 3pm to 6pm; Music afternoon in St Luke's on Sunday 24th October from 2.30pm. Please read the notices paper for more details.

We welcome back Rev'd Timothy and June on Tuesday 21st. It will be great to see them again.

If you need to contact anyone during Rev'd Timothy's leave, please phone the parish office (3848 2123) or one of the Wardens.

kind regards

Chris Bromwich




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