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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 9 June 2022

Dear Parish Friends

After celebrating Pentecost last week, with its images of the breath of God moving in us to inspire and empower us, this week we have 'the Trinity'. I read this week the following, which I found most helpful:

The Holy Trinity is definitely one of those difficult, challenging, thought-provoking doctrines of our faith. But we should not think of it as an exam question that must be answered before we will be admitted to the heavenly banquet. Nor is the Trinity an IQ test to identify the superior intellects and weed out those who are not worthy. Rather the Trinity is ultimately a practical doctrine with radical consequences for Christian life. It is the specifically Christian way of speaking about God, and what it means to participate in the life of God through Jesus Christ in the Spirit.

I look forward to further reflecting on the Trinity with you on Sunday. Our services are at 7am and 9am as usual. Children's ministry and Zoom streaming will be included at 9am.

Don't forget that St Luke's Theatre Society's latest play is opening tonight. Details and booking at

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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