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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 9 February 2024

Dear Parish Friends

Traditionally on the final Sunday after Epiphany we celebrate the Transfiguration. Once again the gospel writers are giving us a picture of who Jesus is, God's son, the beloved, whom we are told to listen to (Mark 9:7). Jesus is shown to be the cumulation of the promises of old, as evidenced by the presence of Moses and Elijah, the law and the prophets. But then too we are reminded of why Jesus came, as this marks the turning point in the gospel. From now on the focus is on the way to Jerusalem and the events to come of Holy Week and Easter (see verse 9). And we too start on this path as Lent begins on Ash Wednesday this coming week.

Sunday morning's services are as usual at 7am (Holy Communion) and 9am (Family Communion with Zoom streaming). The notice paper and 9am service sheet are available via the links below.

We have another working bee on Saturday morning (9am-12) to continue the hall clear out. This week we will finalise  getting things ready to move into storage.

A reminder that the Annual Meeting of the parish will be held on Sunday 18th February. The Annual Report book is available here and printed copies will be available in church. Nominations for the new Parish Council are open, with nomination forms available in church (or contact me) - these need to be returned on Sunday.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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