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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 8th November 2024

Dear Parish Friends

I commented last week, on All Saint's Day, about the importance of telling stories, and that in the church these stories have a past, present and future dimension. This week, one of our readings comes from the book of Ruth, which was a story that was circulating in the 5th century BC (when the Israelites were under Persian rule). In it they are reminded of the importance of their traditions (such as care for widows), but that God can work in new ways as well - the namesake foreigner Ruth is portrayed as the one who is the forerunner of the great King David.

Our services on Sunday are as usual. 7am Holy Communion, and 9am Family Communion. At the 7am service we will acknowledge that this is Defence Sunday. The 9am service will also be streamed over Zoom, and there will be Children's Church. See the links below for a copy of the week's notice paper and order of service for 9am.


Rev'd Timothy



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