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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 7th October 2022

Dear Parish Friends

This Sunday we will be concluding our celebration of the Season of Creation, with St Francis Day. The overarching theme is that of giving thanks to God for all God's goodness.

At the 7am service (a normal communion service) our psalm draws us to reflect on God's saving work throughout history, which leads the psalmist to declare that not just all peoples, but all the earth, should 'make a joyful noise to God'.

Then at our 9am service, we share this joyful noise as we give thanks for the animals that share out lives. We will invite everyone to introduce us (or tell us about) their pets, and what they mean to us. St Francis said that as we love and care for animals, they in turn will trust us. Isn't this how our relationship with God works? Isn't this something to 'make a joyful noise about'?

Zoom streaming is also available as usual at 9am, and those at home will also have the opportunity to tell us about their pets. The order of service for 9am and the week's notice paper are available via the links below.

Looking forward, next Sunday, 16th October, is St Luke's Day, our patronal festival. You are all invited to join us after the 9am service in Laura Street park for an informal parish picnic.

Note that Evening Prayer will NOT be said this evening on Zoom as I will be attending the commissioning service of Rev'd Maurice Rangiwai as Priest-in-charge of the Parish of Holland Park.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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