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Weekly letter from St Luke's -6 September 2024

Dear Parish Friends

Once again I am grateful to Fr George who will be taking services on Sunday whilst I am unable to be with you. This is a 'second Sunday of the month' and so the 9am service will be a Family Service with involvement of our children. The weekly notices and 9am service sheet are available on our website.

We come to the second Sunday in the Season of Creation, and our focus is on how humankind is part of the whole creation. This colours our interactions with nature, which through the ages has led to much conflict. In the bible reading from Genesis there is a tension between dominating and partnership. A resolution of this comes in the gospel reading where we are given the image of Jesus, the one who came to serve, not to be served.

For this season Queensland Churches Together have put together a devotional which can be downloaded on your mobile by searching the Apple or Android app stores.

Church news for September has been published and is available on our website.


Rev'd Timothy



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