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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 5th July 2024

Dear Parish Friends

Our gospel passage this week sees Jesus returning to his home town of Nazareth and, in contrast to the crowds who elsewhere were amazed at his teaching and healing, meets with amazement of another kind - those who knew him growing up cannot believe that 'Mary's Son' could possibly say and do the things that others claimed. Their mindset was such that what was obvious to others, they couldn't see. We see this sort of behaviour today in such things as climate change deniers, but this also gives us a challenge in mission. How do we tell of the goodness of God to those who have a completely different world-view?

Our 7am and 9am services follow our usual format (with Zoom streaming at 9am). As this is the last weekend of the school holidays, there will not be Children's Church, but remember that children are always welcome, and there will be a children's talk at 9am as usual. The 9am service sheet and the week's Notice Paper are available via the links below.

Bookings are now open for our parish camp at Glengarry 3-4 August. You can book and pay online here, or else paper forms are available in church.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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