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Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 4 March 2022

Dear Parish Friends

First I am please to say that our domain name has been fixed and so our website and emails are again working. This means that we can publish the March edition of Church News. It is now available on or website, or directly at A limited number of printed copies will be available in church.

This Sunday is the first of the month, and so there will be a service of Praise, Prayer and Proclamation on Zoom at 6pm on Saturday. Services are then as usual on Sunday at 7am and 9am, with the 9am service also being streamed over Zoom. Service sheets for the streamed services, the weekly notice paper, and a reminder of the Zoom address and password are available on the links below. For those coming to St Luke's on Sunday, please aim to arrive at least 5 minutes before the service starts as there will be a time for silent prayer as we begin.

The gospel passage for this week is Jesus in the wilderness after his baptism, before he started his ministry. Going into the 'wilderness' (what ever that might mean for us today) is not necessarily what we would choose to do, but sometimes what we learn there helps us move forward in faith. As Jesus shows us, mediating on the scriptures is the key to growing in such circumstances. As we start Lent, this is a good discipline to practice, and we will find that all places are holy.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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