Weekly letter from St Luke's - 5 August 2022
Dear Parish Friends Attempt Number 2!! Hopefully I attach the correct notices paper and 9am service sheet this time (ie 7th August). My apologies for the mistake in my 1st mail out. As I'm sure you're aware, Rev'd Timothy and June are having a well earned holiday for 2 weeks. We wish them good rest and God's richest blessings as they enjoy our beautiful land. This Sunday Rev'd Jane Mitchell is celebrating our services. We welcome her warmly and look forward to her ministry with us. Our services on Sunday are at 7am and 9am as usual with Children's Church during the 9am service (there may be TREASURE involved!). Zoom streaming will be included at 9am and the week's notice paper and service sheet for the 9am service are available via the links below. Also attached is the "Taking Faith Home" ministry sheet for this week. There will be no recording of services for the next 2 weeks. If you have any needs during Rev'd Timothy's absence, please call our parish phone number (3848 2123) or email admin@stlukesekibin.org.au Yours in Christ Chris