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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 4th February 2022

Dear Parish Friends

I look forward once again to welcoming as many as are able to come to our services this weekend, in person or via Zoom. The week's notice paper is available at the link below, together with the service sheet for the 9am service (which is also Zoomed). As this is the first weekend of the month, there will also be a service of Praise and Prayer on Zoom at 6pm on Saturday, and the service sheet for this is available below.

On Sunday we restart our Children's ministry, so spread the word. To do this in a Covid-safe manner we will be running this outside in the shade by the Memorial Garden - so remind your children about sunscreen and hats.

Jane Markotsis' funeral will be next Wednesday (10th) at 10.30am at St Luke's. The service will also be livestreamed at Please keep Fr George and the family in your prayers.

With all that is going on in the parish at the moment - four funerals in less than four weeks, the detailed planning for our redevelopment gearing up, preparation for the Annual Meeting, the re-start of ministries for the year, and the ever-changing COVID19 situation - it is easy to feel that it is all just too much. I think perhaps Simon Peter may have felt this too in our gospel passage this Sunday. After a hard day at work fishing for little reward, Jesus commandeers his boat as a pulpit, and then, just as the day comes to an end, Jesus says 'push out into the deep water and fish again'! But Simon knows who is asking, pushes on. The over-abundance of fish caught is an image of God's provision to us at times of need.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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