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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 4 February 2024

Dear Parish Friends

Our Epiphany readings this week continue looking at the start of Jesus' ministry. We see that Jesus, in the midst of all the teaching, healing and proclaiming, made time to be quiet and to pray. If Jesus felt this need, how much more so do we in our busy church, home or corporate life? The time of Jesus' prayer, early morning, is significant as in scripture this time is associate with revelation. As we are quiet before God, we will see what has always been there, the presence of God at work in our world and in our lives.

Sunday morning's services are as usual at 7am (Holy Communion) and 9am (Family Communion with Zoom streaming). The notice paper and 9am service sheet are available via the links below. We welcome the Rt Rev'd John Roundhill, Bishop of the Southern Region as our preacher and celebrant at both services.

We have another working bee on Saturday morning (8am-12) to continue the hall clear out. This week we are getting things ready that need moving into storage.

The Annual Meeting of the parish will be held on Sunday 18th February. Final call for any reports for the Annual Report book, which will be ready for distribution next Sunday (11th). Nominations for the new Parish Council are open, with nomination forms available in church (or contact me).

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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