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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 31 March 2023

Dear Parish Friends This Sunday is Palm Sunday, and as is traditional we will rad the whole of the Holy Week story up tot he burial of Jesus after the crucifixion on Friday. We might therefore miss the other readings that the lectionary gives us. From Isaiah 50 we hear the prophet try to explain his relationship with God. He is called 'morning by morning' to listen to God's message and to teach to his listeners what he has heard. And this is indeed the experience of the other biblical writers, including the New Testament gospel and letter writers who pass on to us what they themselves received. Then from the letter to the Philippians, St Paul quotes a hymn that it is thought comes from the very earliest days of the church, which speaks of both who Jesus was (the Christ), and the central events of Holy Week. Our services are as usual: APBA Holy Communion Order Two at 7am and then Family Service with communion and Children's Ministry at 9am (also streamed on Zoom). Both the 7am and 9am service will start outside in the courtyard with the Palm Sunday readings and blessing of palms, before we process into church for the rest of the service (Zoom people - we will have a camera outside so you can follow along). We then move to the reading of the Passion gospel, this year from Matthew. This marks the start of Holy Week and there are many opportunities to walk together on the journey to Good Friday and Easter, with daily services. See the notice paper for details. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy



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