Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 30th June 2023
Dear Parish Friends
Our gospel reading follows on from the last two weeks with Jesus' instructions to his disciples, sent out on mission to proclaim the Good News and to heal the sick. This week Jesus reminds them (and indeed us) that the heart of this mission is hospitality. There is a chain of relationship. The Father is in relationship with the Son, who commissions and sends the apostles. Those who welcome the apostles are then assured of inclusion in this chain of hospitality, and through this recipients of the 'prophet's reward' - the Kingdom of God. As we know, some of the most important people in our parish are those who make the morning tea!
As usual, our services this weekend are 7am (Holy Communion) and 9am (Family communion service with Zoom link). As it is school holidays there is no formal children's church, but families are always welcome. The weekly notice paper and 9am service sheet are available via the links below.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy