Weekly letter from St Luke's - 3 September 2021
Dear fellow parishioners This week we welcome back Rev'd Bill Crossman who will be celebrating at our 7am and 9am services, and his wife Libby who will celebrate with us on 12th September. We thank them for leading our worship services for the next 2 Sundays of Rev'd Timothy's leave. We wish Timothy and June a safe and relaxing holiday and God's richest blessings as they enjoy the beauty of Queensland. Evening prayer will continue at 6pm from Tuesday to Friday on Zoom. Instructions on how to connect are available on the link below. Our 9am service will also be available by Zoom however we will not be recording services during Rev'd Timothy's leave. The 9am service sheet is available in the attached link below. In the Notices Paper, I draw your attention to upcoming events - the parish study groups recommencing on 28th and 30th September; a regular opportunity for Contemplative Prayer on 2nd the 4th Tuesdays commencing on 28th September; a parish Garage Sale on Saturday 2nd October; and a Quiet Morning with Rev'd Sarah Plowman at St Francis College on Saturday 9th October. If you need to contact anyone during Rev'd Timothy's leave, please phone the parish office (3848 2123) or one of the Wardens. kind regards Chris Bromwich (Warden)