Weekly letter from St Luke's - 29 November 2024
Dear Parish Friends
This Sunday we celebrate Advent Sunday, the start of the church year. Advent comes from the Latin word adventus which means arrival or coming. Yes, it is the period of preparation before we remember Christ's coming at his nativity in Bethlehem some 2,000 plus years ago at our Christmas celebrations, but it has also (even longer) been associated with looking forward to Christ's second coming. Hence the readings set for the day are of an apocalyptic genre. Both Jeremiah and Luke look forward to the 'advent'. In both cases the message is one of hope.
Our services on Sunday are as usual. 7am Holy Communion, and 9am Family Communion. The 9am service will also be streamed over Zoom, and there will be Children's Church. See the links below for a copy of the week's notice paper and order of service for 9am.
Here is the link to the Church of England online Advent Calendar that I mention in the notice paper.
Rev'd Timothy