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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 28th June 2024

Dear Parish Friends

In our gospel passage this weekend we have two healings, of a woman who has been bleeding for 12 years, and the 12 year old daughter of a synagogue leader. Very different people, but to both Jesus gives more than just a physical cure, but a restoration to their place in the community, and a command to go in peace. It is these latter that are the more profound, and to believe that prayer for healing that doesn't result in a physical cure has 'failed' is to miss the much wider remit of what to be healed is.

Our 7am and 9am services follow our usual format (with Zoom streaming at 9am). As the school holidays have started, there will not be Children's Church, but remember that children are always welcome, and there will be a children's talk at 9am as usual. The 9am service sheet and the week's Notice Paper are available via the links below.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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