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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 26 May 2023

Dear Parish Friends This weekend is our Art Show in the Upper Hall (in association with Lilly-Lee Studios). There are even more paintings than last year, so invite all your friends to come and support this event. There will be a cafe run by Kofi Klub both days (donations of cakes/slices welcomed - please bring them to the hall tomorrow morning from 8.30am) as well as a sausage sizzle on the Saturday. This Sunday is Pentecost, when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples who then, through the spirit's power grew the early church. Indeed it has often been remarked that rather than 'Acts of the Apostles', Luke's second book records 'Acts of the Holy Spirit'. This is therefore a day to remember the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and our church, and to rededicate ourselves to God's mission to which we are called. Our services are as usual at 7am and 9am (with Zoom and Children's Church). Note that we will share morning tea after both services in the Upper Hall where we can also view the artwork. The weekly notice paper and 9am order of service are attached below. This weekend is also the start of National Reconciliation Week. It is highly appropriate that this falls on Pentecost when all nations were present to hear Peter's sermon and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit which binds us together. Here is a prayer from CAFOD that speaks to this theme: God of love, fill us with your grace. Move us, strengthen and renew us. Lead us in your ways. Open our hearts to answer the demands of others, and to seek your face in all those who cry out for justice. Spirit of God, prompt us to respond to your love and seek a glimpse of your Kingdom here on earth. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy



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