Weekly letter from St Luke's - 25 March 2022
Dear Parish Friends A reminder that Alan John's funeral is to be held on Friday at 10am at St Luke's. If you are unable to attend, it will be live streamed at this link.The same link can be used to watch the recording at a later time. Services are at the usual times of 7am and 9am on Sunday, with the 9am service streamed over Zoom. The week's notice paper, service sheet for the 9am service and Zoom instructions are available via the links below. Our theme is 'reconciliation'. St Paul tells us that "God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ,... has given us the ministry of reconciliation". We have the example of what true reconciliation means as we are welcomed by God and in our turn are called to mirror this in our relationships with those around us. We will also remember Mothering Sunday and share some Simnel Cake. Finally, your last chance to see the St Luke's Theatre Society play, 'Much ado about nothing' is this Friday and Saturday. Details at www.stlukestheatre.asn.au. This is not to be missed! Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy