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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 24 September 2021

Dear parish friends I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday, the 18th Sunday after Pentecost, and express my thanks to the Rev'ds Bill and Libbie Crossman, Owen Strong and Denis Galloway who have led ministry in my absence, as well as the wardens who have looked after the parish so well. As always, the weekly notice paper and service sheet for the 9am service (streamed on Zoom) are available via the links below. I have just heard the Friday Queensland press conference and note the change in mask requirements (if you are sitting you can remove your mask). I am sure that advice as to how this applies to church services will soon be forthcoming from the diocese and I will modify our services appropriately. However we will reintroduce the psalm at 7am and say the creed together at both services. Amongst our readings this weekend is a portion of the book of Esther (the only time it comes up in the three year cycle of readings). This is a story of God's continual working for the good of God's people even when apparently unseen. The gospel passage gives a similar message, that God can work through people and situations that are not necessarily what we would expect. The diocesan synod is meeting this weekend, so please keep all the members of synod in your prayers in their deliberations. Our synod reps are Chris Bromwich and David Frarricciardi; and I will also be attending. Let me know if you would like a copy of the summary of synod business that they have prepared. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy



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