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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 23 June 2023

Dear Parish Friends In our gospel passage this week, we continue reading from where we left off last week. Jesus had chosen and commissioned twelve of his disciples as apostles to go and proclaim the Good News and to heal the sick. But then he tells them that it will not all be plain sailing. They, as had Jesus, will meet with opposition, potentially even from those they know. But they are encouraged to persevere. Prime recipients of the message of the kingdom were those whom society saw as as outcasts, and the mission to which the disciples had been commissioned was to preach this Good News despite the inevitable conflict with those who wanted to preserve the status quo. We are reminded that this is the mission of the church which continues to this day, and that we are still faced with opposition, but through this we are assured of God's preservation in all that we do. As usual, our services this weekend are 7am (Holy Communion) and 9am (Family communion service with Zoom link). As it is school holidays there is no formal children's church, but families are always welcome. The weekly notice paper and 9am service sheet are available via the links below. Diocesan Synod meets this weekend, starting with this evening's Synod Eucharist at St John's Cathedral at 7pm. Please keep our synod reps Christine Bromwich and David Frarricciardi in your prayers. Remember that anyone can come along to the cathedral this evening, or sit in the public gallery at Churchie on Saturday or Sunday. All the synod papers are available here. This evening and tomorrow are the last chance to see the St Luke's Theatre Society's second play of the season last week. For details, and to book, see here. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy



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