Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 23 July 2021
Dear Parish Friends
I look forward to welcoming you in person, or via Zoom, to our services this Sunday, the 9th Sunday after Pentecost. With the continuation of the mask mandate in SE Queensland, we will once again adjust our services to reduce the amount of congregational singing and speaking which is uncomfortable with a mask. The 9am service is, as usual, also streamed over Zoom, and there will be Children's ministry. The week's notice paper and service sheet for the 9am service are available via the links below.
We remember in our services this Sunday, St James the great (to distinguish him from the other disciple called James), though it is said that he learnt that greatness was to be found not ‘in the false attractions of the world’, rather through loving kindness and faithful service.
Those interested in finding out about the plans for the outside areas of the redevelopment, or wanting to be involved in this, are reminded of the meeting on Saturday morning at 10am.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy