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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 22nd November 2024

Dear Parish Friends

This Sunday we come to the final week of the church year. The celebration of this as 'Christ the King' is a relatively new addition to the calendar (it is newer than the parish of Ekibin, having been started by Pope Pius XI in 1925). In this festival we are reminded that the reign of Jesus, as the Messiah, exists as both a present reality and a future hope. We end the year being reminded of Jesus' present reign in all aspects of creation before, next week, starting Advent with the anticipation of his future coming.

Our services on Sunday are as usual. 7am Holy Communion, and 9am Family Communion, including the baptism of Owen Hyatt. The 9am service will also be streamed over Zoom, and there will be Children's Church. See the links below for a copy of the week's notice paper and order of service for 9am.

Finally, I share the sad news that Gordon Coop died early this morning (Friday). His funeral is expected to be at 10.30am on Monday 2nd December at Christ Church Yeronga. Please keep Lynette and the rest of their family in your prayers.


Rev'd Timothy



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