Weekly letter from St Luke's - 22 March 2024
Dear Parish Friends
Holy Week is nearly upon us. I encourage you to, as far as you are able, to go through the week, in prayer and reflection. Starting from Palm Sunday we will walk together with Jesus from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem to Gethsemane and Golgotha, and finally to the garden on Easter morning. Morning Prayer will be said daily at 9am in church and Evening Prayer daily at 6pm on Zoom and at both of these we will hear podcasts from the Church of England with reflections and prayers on the Stations of the Cross - a traditional way of following Jesus' story this week.
Our Sunday morning's services will be as usual at 7am (Holy Communion) and 9am (Family Communion with Zoom streaming). Children's Church is still on. The notice paper and 9am service sheet are available via the links below. As is traditional for Palm Sunday, we will start the service outside on the front lawn for the reading of the Palm Sunday Gospel, and blessing of palms, before processing into church singing the first hymn. We will then read together the passion narrative from Mark's gospel.
One notice that arrived too late to include in this week's Notice Paper:
The Careforce Inala Pantry donations were taken to St Hugh's Inala on Monday Thank you to all parishioners for the donations of food & cash - $300. All was greatly appreciated.
Yours in Christ
Rev'd Timothy