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Weekly Letter from St Luke's - 21st April 2023

Dear Parish Friends

This week is the third Sunday of Easter, but as it is the closest Sunday to 25th April, we will be remembering ANZAC Day. Our preacher at both services will be Rev'd Denis Galloway, and, as always, the notice paper and 9am service sheet are attached below.

As we hear the words of the Ode: "At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them" we are reminded that ANZAC Day is about more than a commemoration, it is a pledge to work together for a better future. It is therefore appropriate that this takes place during the Easter season, where we are reminded of the key reason why we can have hope for the future, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I came upon a re-written version of the hymn 'Lift High the Cross', from a New Zealand author, which expresses this very well:

Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim

till all the world adore his glorious name!

Come, Christian people, sing your praises, shout!

if we are silent, even stones cry out. Refrain

Jesus, you wept to see our human strife,

teach us compassion for each human life. Refrain

Peace was your plea, and peace your loving theme,

let peace be our passport, peace a living dream. Refrain

Great is the cost of walking on this road,

to follow and suffer with the Son of God. Refrain

Worlds to be born and children yet to be

come, take up this song into eternity. Refrain

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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