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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 2 December 2022

Dear Parish Friends

This week we celebrate the second Sunday of Advent, and the focus is on John the Baptist. The Old Testament ends with the book of Malachi in which the prophet tells of God's promise that the Day of the Lord will come, and with it a new unfolding of the Kingdom. This will be preceded by the prophet Elijah who will "turn the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents". As we read the start of the New Testament story, we see that this is fulfilled in John the Baptist and his message of repentance, or 'turning'.

Our services are as usual at 7am and 9am, with Zoom options at 9am. The liturgy for the 9am service and the weekly notice paper are available via the links below. This will be the final Sunday this term for children's ministry and David and Sharon have planned some exciting activities. Do note though that children are always welcome throughout the holiday period and there will be a children's message weekly as well as some activity sheets available.

At the 9am service we also welcome Hudson Henry Thomas French for baptism. Please pray for him and his family.

David and Judy Moy will be taking a final delivery to Inala pantry in the next week, so do bring items for this to church this weekend. Remember that cash is also useful to Inala to help supplement the items given.

Finally, the December issue of Church News has been published and can be read on our website here. Printed copies will be available from Sunday 11th December. Thanks to Honor and all the contributors.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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