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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 2 April 2021

Dear Parish Friends

Bishop John is continuing his walk given that the lockdown has ceased and will be with us at St Luke’s tomorrow (Saturday) lunchtime. Bring your lunch and join him at 12.30. Then, if you wish, we can walk with him to Holland Park (about half an hour).

It was great too see many of you last night at the Maundy Thursday service and this morning for the family service (with Hammel the Camel and Lamba the Lamb – see picture). This afternoon we have another service at 2pm and then tomorrow Morning prayer at 9am (in church) and an Easter Eve service at 6pm on Zoom (see service sheet).

Services on Easter Day are at 6.30pm (followed by Resurrection Breakfast) and 9am (also streamed on Zoom, see service sheet).

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy Nicholson



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