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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 19 March 2021

Dear Parish friends

Attached is this weekend’s notice paper and order of service for 9am (also streamed over Zoom). We welcome Ned and Joseph Cole and their family for baptism at 9am (which makes four baptisms this month!

Holy week is fast approaching, so do take note of the services coming up. If you are able to help with welcoming, reading, LA/server duties or PowerPoint/Zoom at any of these then please let me know or sign up on the clipboard at church on Sunday. In particular, on Palm Sunday and on Good Friday we will be reading the whole Passion narrative and it would be good to have a number of people to read the various parts. Then on Holy Saturday we will hold an Easter Eve vigil service or readings, prayers and song, so a number of readers are needed.

This week’s gospel sets the scene for Holy Week. Jesus has entered Jerusalem in apparent triumph with the crowds waving palms. But now, prompted by the presence of Greek visitors, turns his face towards a different sort of triumph. ‘The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified’, he says. Paradoxically his death on a Roman cross, an ignominious end as the world sees it, paves the way for the drawing of all people to God, Greeks (and Aussies) included.

Yours in Christ

Rev’d Timothy



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