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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 19 June 2021

Dear Parish Friends We have quite a day to look forward to this Sunday at St Luke's. Firstly, we will be welcoming Frankie Jane Gordon, who comes for baptism during the 9am service, and pray for her, and her parents and godparents, as they prepare for this wonderful celebration. Then it is the last Sunday in Term 2, and so Tim Vassella and friends are running Messy Children's Church, also during the 9am service. We are all invited to join them for a sausage sizzle after the service. And then, we are also (at both services) focusing on the work of the Church Missionary Society (CMS). As a parish we have for a long time supported the work of B&L in South Asia. At this time of the year CMS encourages us all to support them, and other missionaries both in training and in the field, in prayer and financially. This is their 'lasting hope' appeal, since their overarching aim is to take the great news of Jesus to the world, through whom there is indeed lasting hope in these troubled times. Those who have been supporting CMS for many years will remember that the annual appeal used to be called 'Beautiful Feet Sunday', reflecting the verse from Isaiah: "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news." To remember this, you are all encouraged to wear wacky socks this Sunday! Our gospel this Sunday, for the fourth Sunday after Pentecost is the account of Jesus stilling the storm on the Sea of Galilee. More than just a demonstration of Jesus' divine power, it tells us something of discipleship. The disciples follow Jesus' command to "go across to the other side", but on the way the storm comes up and the disciples fear that they have been abandoned. But Jesus 'arose' and speaks a word of peace. As we all seek to be disciples, we are called to follow where we are called, and are not immune to the storms of this world. But still Jesus speaks in these situations if we would but look and see. Finally I am delighted to share the news that Sue Johnson received a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the recent Queen’s Birthday Honours for service to the community and to tenpin bowling. Congratulations to Sue. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy



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