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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 18th March 2023

Dear Parish Friends

We read another long chapter from John's gospel this weekend. John 9 recounts the encounter of Jesus with a man who was born blind. Jesus heals him, but most of the chapter questions the response of the man's neighbours and the authorities. We are drawn to consider who were the blind in this story and conclude that it is those who do not see God working in the world. In a telling verse, Jesus says 'We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day... I am the light of the world.' (John 9:4-5). The plural 'we' reminds us that those of us who see the light that is Jesus are invited to participate in God's actions for the world.

This Sunday our services are as usual: APBA Holy Communion Order Two at 7am and then Family Service with communion and Children's Ministry at 9am (also streamed on Zoom). As we are in the season on Lent, you are encouraged to arrive a little earlier for the service. Five minutes before the advertised service time a bell will be rung and the sentence of the day said, and then you are invited to pray silently until the service starts on the hour.

This Sunday is also 'Mothering Sunday', or 'Refreshment Sunday'. Half way through the season of Lent we are called to pause and to give thanks for God's abundant grace to us, especially those who have nurtured us physically (our mothers and those who have had a mothering role), and spiritually ('mother church'). As is the tradition, we will share Simnel Cakes, made by Maxine McElnea and myself.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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