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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 15th January 2021

Dear Parish Friends

We will be meeting again for our Sunday services as usual this week at both 7am and 9am, for the Second Sunday after Epiphany. Given the current requirement to wear masks at indoor venues we will make some modifications to the service to make this work more easily. We shall still celebrate the Eucharist at both services. The 9am service will be streamed as usual on Zoom.

The theme of the gospel reading this weekend is response to Jesus’ call to follow, and how once we follow, we tell others to ‘come and see’. It sounds a very simple thing to say, but often we make it seem hard. During the week we remembered at Evening Prayer Hilary of Poitiers who lived in the 4th century. He was raised a pagan but was inspired when he read the story of Moses and found a definition of God in Exodus 3:14: “I am who I am”. This says it all! In the midst of the ongoing crises of 2021, we follow the God who is, who creates, sustains, redeems and loves.

A prayer from Sister Bridget Tighe of Caritas Jerusalem:

We pray for all who are suffering and bereaved. At this time of sorrow, incomprehension and tragedy, we stand together. In this crisis, we pray for God’s mercy and healing for the sick and for health and strength for all who care for them. Amen.

Yours in Christ

Rev’d Timothy



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