Weekly letter from St Luke's - 14 May 2022
Dear Parish Friends Because of the excessive rain, our parish camp this weekend was cancelled. Therefore services will be as usual tomorrow, with children's ministry as part of the 9am service. See below for links to the week's notice paper and the order of service for the 9am service, which will also be streamed over Zoom. A number of us last night attended the Mathew Hale Public Library annual dinner, where the speaker, Rev'd Robert Smith from Sydney Missionary and Bible College spoke on 'Why do we sing?' He pointed out that there are three reasons: praise, prayer and proclamation. Our psalm this weekend, Psalm 148, certainly focuses on the first of these, with the word 'praise' occurring 12 times! But the psalm also recounts of all the Lord has done (proclamation), and expresses the desire that all peoples should join in this (prayer). I encourage you all, as we sing tomorrow, to reflect on what you are singing, and why. Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his host! (Psalm 148:1-2) Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy