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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 14 May 2021

Dear Parish Friends

Another big weekend in the parish!

Many of us will be at the parish gathering/camp on Saturday and/or Sunday. We will have a service out at Glengarry where I will focus on the Psalm for the week, Psalm 1, asking the question of whether the stark black/white distinction the Psalmist makes between the ‘blessed’ and the ‘wicked’ is relevant for us today.

Services at St Luke’s will be held as usual at 7am and 9am (with the 9am service being streamed on Zoom as well). We will focus on the Acts reading, looking at what the apostles did in those days of waiting between the Ascension and Pentecost – they didn’t just wait, but were active in planning for the future.

The weekly notice paper and order of service for the 9am service are attached.

Yours in Christ

Rev’d Timothy



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