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Weekly letter from St Luke's - 11 June 2021

Dear Parish Friends

This Sunday is the third Sunday after Pentecost. Our services are at 7am and 9am as usual, with the 9am service also streamed on Zoom. Links to the notice paper for the week, and the order of service for 9am, are below (if you can't see the links, you will need to download pictures in this email).

In the gospel passage, Jesus talks about the Kingdom of God by comparing it to a tiny mustard seed that grows to be a shrub big enough to shelter birds. This is often interpreted as telling us that God's reign (or alternatively the awareness of God in a person's life) may start small, but over time will grow. However the choice of mustard is significant. In Jesus' time it was a weed that was very profligate. It would grow anywhere, and was not easily eradicated. How about that as an image of the Kingdom of God for our age?

This month we are thinking about Stewardship. As I said last weekend, this is all about how we resource the parish to play its part in the growth of the Kingdom. And of course one important aspect of this is finances. So this Sunday, after the sermon, Trevor Lunn, the chair of our Stewardship Committee, will give a presentation about our parish budget and tell us about our Stewardship Campaign this year. These details will also be available in a pack that will be distributed after the services.

This weekly email looks different, as I am trying out 'Mailchimp'. If you want to opt out of the weekly emails from St Luke's you can unsubscribe using the link below.

Yours in Christ

Rev'd Timothy



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