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6th Sunday after Epiphany - 11 February 2022

Dear Parish Friends I look forward once again to welcoming as many as are able to come to our services this weekend, in person or via Zoom. As Easter is late this year, we are still celebrating 'Sundays after Epiphany'; the sixth this week. Our cycle of readings reflecting the glory of the coming of Christ began on January 6th with the feast of the Epiphany, passed Candlemas (the presentation of Christ in the temple) on 2nd January, and concludes on the Sunday before Lent begins, 27th February when we will celebrate the Transfiguration. This week, we hear from Luke some of Jesus' teachings, and see that what he said was transformative, indeed Epiphanic (if there is such a word). The week's notice paper is available at the link below, together with the service sheet for the 9am service (which is also Zoomed). As Lent is fast approaching, the Notice Paper advertises our Lent study for this year, 'Conversations with our awesome God', and also the Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner (1st March, bookings at Our Children's ministry for the year restarted last Sunday, so spread the word. To do this in a Covid-safe manner we will be running this outside in the shade by the Memorial Garden - so remind your children about sunscreen and hats. For those who were unable to attend Jane Markotsis' funeral on Wednesday, the recording of the service is available at Please continue to keep Fr George and the family in your prayers. Yours in Christ Rev'd Timothy



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