Join us at 9am on Sunday for the live-stream of our service in St Luke's.​
Evening Prayer is also streamed Tuesday-Fridays at 6pm.​
Video conference (Zoom): Click on this link
You might be prompted to download and run a file to get going, or on a tablet/phone to install an app. You might also be prompted to let the browser or app access your camera or microphone, and you need to say yes. You will need a meeting password. Email us to get this (
When you are using Zoom, two things that are important to know are:
Towards the bottom left of the screen are controls to turn off (mute) your microphone and start/stop your video. (During much of the service we will automatically mute your microphone.)
Towards the top right is a button which toggles between ‘gallery’ view, where you can see all of us connected in a grid and ‘speaker’ view when you can see in a big window whoever is speaking at the time. You will probably find it best to be in speaker mode.
You can also join in Zoom by calling 07 3185 3730 and then entering the meeting ID 721 072 5462 when prompted. Just type # when asked for a participant ID and then enter the password.
The service sheets for the current week are below, and you can access recordings and previous weeks' service sheets by clicking here: